Wisdom is not an automatic product of knowledge and time–it requires passing our knowledge through our capability to reflect and connect.
How have you gained wisdom, and how has your wisdom been used to further the goal of equity?
Wisdom is not an automatic product of knowledge and time–it requires passing our knowledge through our capability to reflect and connect.
How have you gained wisdom, and how has your wisdom been used to further the goal of equity?
A look through our calendars at what we spend time on can give us a sense of what values we live through our presence.
How are your values reflected in what you spend time on?
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” -Benjamin Franklin*
What makes you outraged?
*perhaps falsely attributed
“When you’re accustomed to privilege, parity and equity and equality may feel like oppression.” -Raphael Warnock
How have you had to reaccustom yourself to equity?
“The challenge is this:
let us take up the miseducation of justice-making
by stripping our conscience of images of equity
that claim to manifest through condemnation,
through humiliation, through shame and blame,
and righteous vindication.” -Nathan Walker (CLF), from “The Miseducation of Justice-Making”
How have you avoided shame, blame, and humiliation in your work for equity and justice?