Healing Force

“Mother of Grace, help us to find a sense of humility where we have privilege,
and strength where we face oppression.
In our struggles we may learn compassion;
and in our power, may we learn temperance.
As a community of faith, may we be a safe harbor
in a world that is often harsh toward difference.
Challenge us to use our presence as a healing force for justice and equity.” -Jude Geiger, from a prayer entitled “Teach Us to Remember Our History”

How might you be a healing force in the world today?

Loved and Valued

“Someone asked me a few years ago if I would rather be loved or valued. What a profound question! Not knowing the meaning of self-value back then, I decided to choose love, because I was ten times more familiar with its existence. If you were to ask me that same question right now, I would say both — but overall, I would rather be valued.” -Darrell, a CLF member incarcerated in California

Would you rather be loved or valued? Why?

I Want for You What I Want for Myself

From the Gender Spectrum Collection

“Equity means that I want for you what I want for myself. Equity is not selfish. As a trans woman of color, I think the more we fight for equity, the more it becomes exacerbated in the media, and people become fatigued by slogans. Many people are tired of hearing us rally for justice in an unjust world. So what do we do, where do we turn?” -Kathleen, a CLF member incarcerated in Virginia

How have you witnessed a movement for equity overcoming fatigue?