Magical Mushrooms

Mushrooms to me are magical. Not the kind that one takes to take trips on the couch (though they are magical too), I’m talking about the ones that support trees through the underground root system. According to current scientific understanding, mycelium, the network of fungal threads, acts as a way for trees to “talk” to each other by sending chemical signals through the underground network they create, essentially allowing trees to communicate and share nutrients with one another; this network is often referred to as the “wood wide web.”  While science explains this, to me this is nature’s magic. -Aisha Hauser (CLF)

Appreciate a mushroom or a tree today.

You Are Magic

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court heard arguments in a case in which they will decide if states are constitutionally permitted to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender teenagers using methods allowed for other medical issues. We don’t get political too often on the Daily Compass, but we feel compelled to affirm the rights of every child to grow up to be exactly who they were meant to me. To our transgender beloved and the parents of transgender children: you are magic. You are the magic that makes possible the fullness of humanity. We love you.

Do something today to affirm that you are, indeed, magic, in all of your fullness and beauty.


“Let us sing the magic of imagination by which we know one another and learn the lives of eras gone by.

Let us sing the magic of creation by which we build the world of our soul and teach its wisdom to others, young and old.

Let us sing the magic of our lives together, holding and shaping by the movement of breath from heart to lung all new life that is to come.

Go now with singing. Go now with magic in your fingertips. Touch this world with life.” -Susan van Dreser

How can you sing magic today?

Deep Magic

“I don’t think that magic is anything supernatural. I think it’s part of the natural world that moves in us and through us. A lot of flakes and sinners use it to bamboozle the needy and gullible, but they use faith, love, and hope that way too, and I wouldn’t be willing to scorn those because they are hard to measure and sometimes get used for dishonorable purposes. I’ll keep being open to the deep magic, and practicing it, until I find a way to believe it.” -Meg Barnhouse, from Seeds of a Spirited Life

How can you be open to things you don’t understand?