Working for collective salvation requires bearing religious witness to the pain in our world. All of it.
How do you bear witness to the pain in our world?
Working for collective salvation requires bearing religious witness to the pain in our world. All of it.
How do you bear witness to the pain in our world?
We must start talking about commitment. A kind of commitment to the mission of transforming our world with love that would cause us to get on buses to witness to the injustice in our world.
What would inspire in you the commitment to bear witness to injustice?
Those who assemble at wedding ceremonies bear witness to the vows made by those being wed. In performing their witness, they make those vows real and alive beyond just the marriage.
How have you performed witness?
I have witnessed to the power of love over hatred and intolerance, and I will do so again and again. I have insisted that our faith and our nation’s ideals both call us to treat people with dignity and respect, to resist the dehumanization of immigrants, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
How can you use your privilege to stop injustice?
Having witnessed the atrocities of fascism that precipitated World War 2, Universalist theologian Clarence Skinner concluded, “Righteousness must be founded on truth. It must square with reality. It must harmonize with what we know of the universe. But truth must be righteous. It must serve the good and not the evil. It must seek the Kingdom of Ends. It must serve the moral law.”
How have you seen people bending “truth” for means opposite to what should be a moral law of humanity?