
Photo from “50 Sad Chairs,” by Bill Keaggy. Used with permission.

Today, I ask you wherever you are, to commit yourselves to a practice of noticing, a practice of witness, a practice of understanding who else is in this world with you, alongside of you. I invite you into a practice of witnessing, especially those in our society who are regularly discarded on the side of the road. Those whom the rest of us are expected to overlook, to ignore to pretend like we don’t know they exist.

Notice. Here is a meditation I created about this, based on Bill Keaggy’s photo essay 50 Sad Chairs.

Bearing Witness

We are called to bear witness.
We are called to bear witness to history, lest we repeat it.
We are called to bear witness to the present, lest we believe the lies about it.
We are called to bear witness to the lives of others, lest they be made invisible by the cruelty of our society.

How do you bear witness?

Farewell to Beth (an exemplar of service and leadership)

Beth Murray retires today from the Church of the Larger Fellowship after 20 years of service to our congregation. Beth has been passionate and compassionate in her service, especially to our incarcerated members. Today’s Daily Compass features her words–honor someone important to you today.

We make channels for streams of love by writing letters and being a voice of support and compassion. We open our umbrella of Unitarian Universalism and create a safe space to allow our incarcerated members to feel heard and loved. We offer just a small moment of relief from the traumatic environment of prison.

You have not been forgotten.
You are worthy.

Breathe deeply.
Take a moment, close your eyes and breathe again.

Centering Care

We center care in leadership when we make our people more important than our work. We center care when we give people the space and the time to grow into their fullness. We center care when we allow people the grace to be human, with all that means, however that means.

How do you center care for others?

I Love You. We Love You.

Butterfly in trans flag colors (blues and pinks) surrounded by the words "I love you. You are Holy. I love you. You are Divine."
Artwork by Rev. JeKaren Bell

“To my trans non-binary intersex or gender diverse beloveds: lean in. Lean In. I love you. I love you. I love you. Please do not leave the space without feeling my love and the love of others Who see you as divine. I love you. You are divine. I love you. You are Holy. I love you. You know who you are. I love you. You are worthy of being whoever you need to be to survive and thrive in this world. I love you and I will say it for 50 seconds if I need to. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Love you. I love you. Do not leave the space without knowing that you are loved. if you Need a reminder, call me, email me, text me. what we will Not do in this space is let you go another moment, believing anything other than the fact that you are loved.”- Rev. JeKaren Bell (GA 2024)

CLF and the Daily Compass hold our transgender siblings in love. We love you. You are worthy, you are holy, you are divine.

Make sure someone knows you love them today.