
I have always loved a good mystery. As a child, I devoured mystery novels, fascinated to see how the unsolved questions would be answered. As an adult, I revel in questions with no provable answers. It is fun to think “what if,” and “maybe” without knowing. -Michael Tino (CLF)

Make up a story to answer a question today.


As a child, I wondered about a lot of things. As a 4-year-old, I wondered how sound got onto an LP record album. I was convinced that if I wrote words on the record, the needle would graze over my letters, and I would be able to hear the word spoken over and over, as the record went round and round. My parents were not happy with the damaged record. – Beth Murray (CLF)

Make a mess today trying to figure something out!

From the Pieces

“As a community we will build again. And
from the pieces we will build something new.
There is work that only you can do. We
wait for you.” -Julián Jamaica Soto, from “Bring your broken hallelujah here”

What do you imagine we’re building together?