
The holiest day in the Christian calendar is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, celebrated on Easter Sunday. The inspiration of this miracle is to make the necessary teachings of Jesus live in the world–it inspired his followers to keep on going when they least wanted to.

How can you imagine something necessary in your life being given new life?


​”It is always miraculous to see a dream take shape and form.  Dreams in themselves are made of the chiffon of [people’s] hopes, desires and aspirings.  There may be no limit to their fabulous unfolding, rich in all the magic of the fantastic.” -Howard Thurman

Dream, hope, desire, aspire today.


My brother had an imaginary friend named Low.  One day, when Low and my brother were talking to my Mom, my brother asked my Mom to hold Low.  My Mom obliged, but then continued with the laundry. My brother screeched, “Mom!  You’re getting Low all wet.”  I love that my brother had a friend that he cared deeply for.  Whether imaginary or not, my brother felt such friendship, love and support from Low.  -Beth Murray (CLF)

What friends do you have that bring you comfort even when they are physically not present?

Washing Feet

A few months after I first joined a Unitarian Universalist congregation, I was invited to celebrate the Christian holiday of Maundy Thursday. At the worship, we were led in a ritual of washing each others’ feet, as Jesus had washed the feet of his disciples the day before his execution by the state. This simple and powerful ritual asked me to engage with Christianity by serving others, and helped begin the healing of my religious trauma. -Michael Tino (CLF)

How have you experienced healing from past wounds?

Exodus and Imagination

Jewish families around the world begin their observance of Pesach (Passover) tonight. At their seder meals, they will retell the story of the liberation of the ancient Jewish people from slavery and their long time in the desert before reaching the promised land. Through the 40 years in the desert, Moses, Aaron, and other leaders inspired their people to imagine where they were going in order for them to be able to get there.

How can you imagine a different world into being?