Patience and Faith

Sabr wa Iman
Patience and faith
Beloveds, we must have patience and faith
More than that
We need resilience, perseverance, and persistence”
– from a poem by Summer Albayati

How are patience and persistence related in your life?



Persistence is so extremely important, especially in trying times of division and hate in society.  Those who see justice and liberty as the foundations of a fair society must persist in reaching those goals even when the path is hard, or they are not personally affected by a particular injustice.  We all must put extra effort in being persistent in helping the vulnerable among us. – Judy DiCristofaro (CLF)

How can you help someone more vulnerable today?


Persistence is taking the next step, even if you are afraid. Even if you are scared. Trusting the universe over and over again to take care of you is courageous. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

How can you move forward in the face of fear?


“With another St. Patrick’s Day having come and gone, I ponder the calamities and the strengths of my heritage. To do other than persist would be to dishonor those who have gone before. Too many things matter for me to give up. Life is too precious for me to say die. If desperate action is likely to be required, then I must gird myself with stories of strength. Although I can barely see the further shore, I must hold fast to the conviction that we will get there; that love will not only survive, but thrive. Others have done it. So can I.”-Maureen Killoran

How do the stories of your heritage help you persist?


“We face a challenge to democracy:
a challenge that calls us to hope in moments of despair,
a challenge that asks us to persist in the faith
that we can and must make a difference.” -Pat Uribe-Lichty

How do you persist in the faith that you can make a difference?