Toddler Persistence

I remember when my toddlers would ask me for something over and over and over. At the time, it seemed funny, cute, and also (eventually) annoying. But now I realize that they were practicing persistence, a skill they would be able to use throughout their lives as they advocate for themselves and for others, for liberty and justice. How amazing that cute little toddler ways can turn into practices that can change the world. -Jody Malloy (CLF)

How can you learn about persistence from children?


The gentle persistence of water is a wise teacher. It can easily give way, bending around the stones in its path. It will change directions to find a way to keep flowing to its destiny. And, over time, it can literally reshape the Earth just by flowing . . . patiently . . . persistently. -Lori Stone (CLF)

How might you be more like water? 


My mom used to tell me every time I wanted to give up that it was too early. Because I was naturally good at some things, I thought not being good the first time in others meant I was failing. One day she said to me, ‘You will never learn if you don’t practice. Persistence is the gift.’ -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

How has your persistence been a gift to you and others?