My daughter has a lot of people she calls her “best” friends. She sees no conflict in naming more than one person her “best friend forever.” There is no competition for her love, and no ranking of who is better than the others. To her, the love of friendship is based in abundance and not scarcity. It is a joy to behold. -Rev. Michael Tino (CLF)

Who are your BFFs?

Animal Friends

“These are friends. They are loves. It’s
kind of a surprise that you should love
someone so much who would eat the butter
on the table if they could get away with it,
and gets endless hair on the sofa when they
aren’t even supposed to be on the furniture.”
-from “When Your Best Friend Has Four or So Legs,” by Ninán Soto

Have you had animal friends in your life? If so, hold them in your heart today.

Love Is Real

Friendship is how I know love is real. People who choose to be in each other’s lives, for no other reason than the fact that they enjoy each other’s company. It is so pure and beautiful. Friendship can be serious, silly, high maintenance, low maintenance. It is fluid and wholesome and life-giving! – Marin Smith (CLF)

How has friendship been life-giving to you?


Friendship often asks us to show intimacy to another. To share our emotions with them, and to receive theirs in return. We learn caring and sharing in the context of friendship. This experience of closeness with another is a healthy part of our lives.

How have you learned to care for others?

Lifesaving Miracle

People act as if friendship is somehow “less” than romance, when it is a lifesaving miracle in its own right. How could I have survived any tragedy in life without the help of my friends? Celebrated any victory? Friends are the people who show up when they don’t have to, but they want to, because they love you. -Steven Leigh Williams (CLF)

Show up for someone you love today.