
“As an adult, it took me a long time to realize that I, too, could bless. It was not easy to learn that I had the ability to bless, to send my good wishes and wishes of safety to those I love, or simply to recognize the sacredness of something or someone. Growing up, I had learned that elders, priests, mothers, and nuns could bless and—well, I was none of those for a long time. But then I discovered that blessing something or someone is recognizing their sacred nature, caring for them enough to want them to be protected, and a way of expressing my gratitude and reverence for them.” – Tania Y Márquez, from the reflection “To Bless and Be Blessed”

Bless someone today.

Building Family Together

When we speak of family as Unitarian Universalists, we are called to expand our definition beyond the typical Western idea of Family. We are called to understand that family is not something we have but something we build, together. -Christina Rivera (CLF)

How have you built family for yourself?

Harvest of Love

“I’m gonna hold on in the transition. I choose to change. In the stillness, I reach back to reconnect to my first caretakers’ love: seeds sown in me long ago. I want the harvest of that love. I want everyone to have the Presence and Care of Love. It should just be permaculture for us all.” – Melissa Jeter, from a Braver/Wiser reflection, “Called to Heal”

What do you do to plant seeds of love?