
The poet Toi Derricotte told us that “joy is an act of resistance,”  and we know that resistance is liberation. We are free when we feel joy and live with love on our hearts. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

Express joy as an act of resistance and liberation today.

Until Everybody Is Free

Photo of Fannie Lou Hamer from the Library of Congress

My favorite quote comes from Fannie Lou Hamer, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” True liberation is interdependent, segments of the population may have certain privileges, but no one is truly liberated while there is a system of oppression in place. -Aisha Hauser (CLF)

How can you express your interdependence with others today?

Body Liberation

I am fat. This adjective is not an insult, nor does it come with any moral judgment attached to it. It is simply a description of my body. Doctors are routinely amazed when tests they run show that my heart, liver, and blood sugar are all healthy. And yet, at this time of year especially, I am bombarded with messages meant to shame my body. This year, I will try to push back with love for my physical being in all of its abundance. -Rev. Dr. Michael Tino (CLF)

What is something you love about your body?


Freedom and Liberation

(Photo of Rev. Dr. Emilie Townes from Vanderbilt University Divinity School)

An important distinction must be made: liberation and freedom are not the same. Liberation is a process. Freedom is a temporary state of being. Liberation is dynamic. It never ends.” -Rev. Dr. Emilie Townes (Womanist theologian and social ethicist – read more about Dr. Townes here: )

How do you experience the difference between freedom and liberation?


A New Year of Possibility

At the beginning of this new year, we imagine possibility. Our theme for the month, liberation, will ask us to imagine a world in which all people are free. Today, let us begin with the possibilities for ourselves and our being. Imagine new things are possible for you.

What do you hope is possible for you in 2023?