
“Oh source of life
We are grateful for your consistency
Expressed in tree rings and rock formations, the half-life of stars and the depths of oceans
and in the gentle, persistent spinning of the planet.
Remind us of the constancy you need from us as well—
To temper our needs to fit within your limitations,
to suppress our desires so your life forces can persist.
In this day may we reconnect to our life-giving, breath-freeing connection with you
and in doing so, may we be reminded of the changes we must pursue
to make commitment to our planet our everyday devotion.” -Leslie Takahashi

Where do you find consistency and constancy in nature?


Climate justice requires a fundamental orientation to relationships: relationships between us and the planet, the beings we share the planet with, human communities (especially those disproportionately put at risk because of systems of oppression), and each other.

When it comes to climate justice, who do you want to be in a relationship with?


“I think this is my favorite thing about seaweed: it feels so much like my neurodiverse brain. One thought jumping to the next, rarely with order or purpose. I’m excited by this, and then, “Ooh, what about that.” Over, and over, and over again. It’s chaos, I imagine, to witness. But inside my head it’s like Ascophyllum nodosum: There is order in that chaos. And it thrives, reaching ever closer to the light.” -Quinn Gormley, from a Braver/Wiser reflection entitled “Intricate Beauty”

How do you experience order in chaos?