Learning from Nature

I find that everything in nature resonates deeply within each of us, whether we feel it or not.The changing seasons teach us about birth, life, death and then rebirth. Each season gives us an image of each part of our life. Our brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom teach us about home and hearth; how to care for our young; how to give respect, as well as gain respect. Mother nature also tells us when we aren’t treating her correctly or fairly. The changes in our world are because of the things we did to abuse her and she is showing us.We can learn so much about the Earth if only we would open our eyes. But, we could learn so much about ourselves and our communities if we would do the same. -Brandi, a CLF member incarcerated in NC

What lessons do you learn from nature?


Nature is balance. Nature is both creation and destruction.  It is the balance we need to learn, harmonize with and accept. Realizing life has to be accompanied by death or else life cannot begin again; realizing growth comes from learning and being; realizing that we are all a part of a web of natural energy is to me the thing so many on our planet have forgotten, and need to remember. -Jacob, a CLF member incarcerated in AR

How do you experience the balance of nature?

To Praise the Earth

“We gather to praise the Earth,
to honor the soil, the sea, the swimmers and crawlers,
the four-leggeds and the winged ones;
we give thanks for the beauty and glory of the Earth.
We seek new ways to understand our place in the universe
—not at the center,
nor at the end of creative
but a humble and balanced place
somewhere between and among all Earth’s children,
where every step we take
becomes a blessing,
where every word we say
becomes a prayer
of  thanksgiving and praise.”

-Armida Alexander

Say a prayer of thanksgiving today.


Among the Pine Needles

When I was a kid, my sister and I were always outside. One of our favorite games was to rake the pine needles into a floor plan. We always imagined that my sister and I could take care of ourselves and live off the land. One of us would collect the wool from our pretend sheep, and the pinecones became our household tools. We led complex, rich lives, all while doing our homework! -Beth Murray (CLF)

When has nature been a source of comforting fantasy or dreaming for you?

Find A Nook

“So this month I offer you a spiritual practice. Find yourself a bush, a tree, a nook, a path, a place on the edges of life organized by humans. Visit it when you are burned out, and let your attention go deep into the particular life of that place. Visit it when it rains, or when the sun comes out, and see how it responds and grows.” -Darcey Laine