Discovering the Whole

“It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert.” -Jacques Cousteau

How have you experienced generosity leading you to greater harmony or relationship?

Generosity of Pride

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month asks all of us to practice a generosity of pride–to overflow with connection, love, and respect for both those who are able to live their full identity out loud and those who are not safe to do so. Let our generosity lead us to a world overflowing with pride.

How can you practice a generosity of pride in LGBTQIA+ people today?


Juneteenth, now a Federal holiday in the United States, marks the day when the enslaved people of Galveston, Texas, were told that they had been emancipated–two and a half years earlier. Resistance to the liberation of all people is real, and has painful consequences. We are reminded on this day that no one is free until all are, and that there are still people legally enslaved in the United States–those who are incarcerated.

How can you help address resistance to collective liberation?


“I invite myself to grow my sense of abundance by reminding myself to bless other people, even if it’s only by saying ‘I like your laugh,’ or ‘It’s good to see you this morning.’ Blessing can be asking a question about the other person’s life or family, and then listening with full attention to the answer.” -Meg Barnhouse

Bless someone today.



“There is something powerful in genuine giving. And there is something powerful in truly receiving. Genuine giving calls for genuine receiving. And genuine receiving requires a willingness to be humble. To truly receive means we place a greater focus on the other than on self.” -Walter LeFlore

When have you practiced genuine receiving?