I Want for You What I Want for Myself

From the Gender Spectrum Collection

“Equity means that I want for you what I want for myself. Equity is not selfish. As a trans woman of color, I think the more we fight for equity, the more it becomes exacerbated in the media, and people become fatigued by slogans. Many people are tired of hearing us rally for justice in an unjust world. So what do we do, where do we turn?” -Kathleen, a CLF member incarcerated in Virginia

How have you witnessed a movement for equity overcoming fatigue?

Starting Line

Equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.

How have you experienced making adjustments for systemic imbalances?

Not Off the Hook

“Even if you are a person who wants to say, “Well, I didn’t participate in making things this way,” if you are benefiting from the ill-gotten gains, then you have some responsibility to make things right—especially if you then turn around and say that you believe in justice and equity. You are not let off the hook, no matter what.” -Takiyah Nur Amin, from her reflection, “The Call of Our Faith”

What does it mean to you to not be let off the hook for the work of justice and equity?

Show Up and Thrive

Equity is ensuring that each person who wants to be part of a community has what they need to be whole and free. That they don’t have to expend energy to ‘make it work’ or struggle through, they can just show up and thrive. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

What would be necessary for you to “show up and thrive?”