Equity or Equality?

As I’ve engaged in the work of leading programs that highlight equity, I’ve noticed that people with privilege confuse equity with equality and they are not the same. In order to achieve equity in the world, we need to center the needs of those most impacted by oppression. Give people what they need to thrive and this will be different for everyone. Giving everyone the same thing does not result in equity. Equity means people who need more (money, access, healthcare) will receive it in order to thrive. -Aisha Hauser (CLF)

How do you understand the difference between equity and equality in your life?


How do we draw the circle of who is included wider and wider? How do we marvel at the beautiful diversity that is revealed when all of us can share the center instead of anyone being pushed to the margins?

How have you widened the circle of your community?

Because You Breathe

My beloved friend Angel Wall likes to remind people that she loves them just as they are, just because they are. “I love you because you breathe,” she says.  Her love is simply because the people around her exist–it is inherent to their being. I have always found this to be a profound and beautiful statement of theology. -Michael Tino (CLF)

How have you experienced love given to you simply because you exist?


What does it mean to recognize someone’s inherent dignity? How does it change our behavior towards others to begin with the understanding that they have dignity?

What does dignity mean to you?