
What does it mean to recognize someone’s inherent dignity? How does it change our behavior towards others to begin with the understanding that they have dignity?

What does dignity mean to you?

A Gift to Future Generations

“All the work we must do in order to make this a better society serves as a tribute to our great ancestors and a gift to future generations…. There’s still work to do and we will have to make sacrifices. If we want humanity to survive we must transform our society for the better.” -Sergio H., a CLF member incarcerated in Texas

What is your gift to future generations?


“Prison can be a tomb
or a womb
A cocoon of transformation,
the darkness
becoming a metamorphosis.
A triumph born of adversity,
giving no counsel to the fear.”
-from a poem entitled “Transformation,” by Gary F., a CLF member incarcerated in South Carolina

Seeds of Life

“We have so many opportunities to bless each other in this world, but they don’t always announce themselves as moments of profound transformation. I choose to plant seeds of life wherever I can, just in case. I may never know whose song I’ll amplify in the process.” -Lindasusan Ulrich, from their Braver/Wiser reflection “Amplified a Thousandfold”

How have you been transformed by a seed of kindness planted by another?