“What I began to understand in my weary soul was that my God lives in the margins and witnesses to the broken-hearted.” -Jami Yandle
How can you find the holy in the margins among the broken-hearted?
“What I began to understand in my weary soul was that my God lives in the margins and witnesses to the broken-hearted.” -Jami Yandle
How can you find the holy in the margins among the broken-hearted?
“Thank you for this day,
For another sunrise,
Another chance for us to witness the wonder of Creation.” -from a prayer by Kyle Johnson
How have you witnessed the wonder of creation today?
While we talk a lot about our faithful call to bear witness, it is an equally faithful call to allow others to bear witness to us. To take the risk to be noticed in the fullness of who we are.
Tell us about an experience you’ve had of someone bearing witness to you.
It is now, when we are called as witnesses of the world.
To mend it, to change its course, to restore it.
It is now, when we are called to act on our values.
Es ahora que estamos llamados a ser testigos del mundo:
a enmendarlo, a cambiar su curso, a restaurarlo.
Es ahora que somos llamados a vivir nuestros valores.
-Tania Y. Márquez, from “Witnesses of the World/Testigos del mundo”
How are you called to act on your values?
Working for collective salvation requires bearing religious witness to the pain in our world. All of it.
How do you bear witness to the pain in our world?