Holding Memory

The metamorphosis of caterpillar into butterfly entails the complete dissolution of the caterpillar’s body into liquid. Recently, however, scientists have discovered that the butterfly remembers things that the caterpillar learned. Somehow, even in that liquid, important memories are sustained.

How have you held important memory through a time of transformation?

Living in Tension

“If we have any hope of transforming the world and changing ourselves, we must be bold enough to step into our discomfort, brave enough to be clumsy there, loving enough to forgive ourselves and others. May we, as a people of faith, be granted the strength to be so bold, so brave, and so loving.” -Joseph M. Cherry, “Prayer for Living in Tension”
How have you moved into your discomfort?

Transforming Pain

”If we don’t find a way to transform our pain, we will always transmit it to those around us or turn it against ourselves… If your religion is not teaching you how to recognize, hold, and transform suffering, it is junk religion.”
—Fr. Richard Rohr

How have you transformed pain into something meaningful?

Turning A Ship

Large ships turn slowly, and sometimes over long distances, unless they are being supported and guided by strong tugboats. And yet, they turn all the time. Similarly, large institutions sometimes take a while to fully adapt to changing societal conditions–but they can change.

When have you witnessed a large institution make a significant transformation? What did it take to make it successful?