“Peace is always beautiful.” ― Walt Whitman
How have you experienced beauty and peace together?
“Peace is always beautiful.” ― Walt Whitman
How have you experienced beauty and peace together?
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” -Mother Teresa
What spiritual practices help you remember that we belong to each other?
History has shown us that time and time and time again, when the masses succeed in dehumanizing whoever is deemed the “other,” this has resulted in horrors perpetrated to those who are oppressed. -Aisha Hauser (CLF)
How can we resist forces of dehumanization?
I believe that our job as Unitarian Universalists is to love loudly. Louder than the hate in the world. Louder than the brokenness, the despair, and the darkness. We have to love so loud that everything else sounds like white-noise. -Tanner Linden
How do you love loudly?
As I’ve aged, I’ve become highly suspicious of any belief system without a “pressure relief valve,” any closed circular system where there is only one way forward and those not on that path are bad, wrong, deserving of whatever they suffer. Such systems seem to hurt people, and the more personal the content of a belief system, the more pain is inflicted. -Meg Riley
What are the pressure relief valves in your belief system?