
“Ideology sparks movements, but relationships are what change organizations and sustain movements. It takes one relationship at a time. In the end changes to the leadership of the institution happen because of relationships, people pushing. We must place value on the relationships and the need to not leave folks behind in our quest for transformation.” -Elandria Williams

How have you witnessed relationships lead to larger transformation?

Balance Point

“Changes abound… around us, within us, between us; in our communities, our neighborhoods, and our beloved faith communities. Changes abound. May we each find the balance point we need as we move through our ever-changing world:  the balance between the old and the new,  between the known and the unknown,  between the familiar and the perhaps bold and risky possibilities that may be there, waiting.” -Michelle Collins

How do you find the balance points in your life?


Change takes time. Often, it takes more time than we want it to, especially if the goal is real transformation and not just surface change. We remind ourselves that attaching urgency to change doesn’t make it better (or even necessarily faster), that urgency is a symptom of the culture of oppression in which we exist.

When have you had to teach yourself to let change take more time than you wanted it to?


A guitar needs to be retuned from time to time–sometimes in the middle of a performance. The instrument responds to its environment and the ways it is used, and sometimes it gets out of tune.

When in your life have you had to readjust something that had changed without you noticing?