
Sometimes it is difficult or scary to face the ways in which we need to adapt, transform, and grow. It is in those times that the support of a community of accountability becomes that much more important.

What changes or transformations do you need support to make?

Eid al-Fitr

Around the world today, our Muslim siblings are celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan.  It is the holiday of breaking the monthlong fast that has focused Muslims on what is most holy. It begins with prayer, recognizing the holiness of God.

What would you hold up as most sacred and holy today?


“Change will come whether we work for and celebrate it, or distrust and resist it, or simply wait. Our history says it will come whether we want it or not. For that we can be thankful.” -Mark Morrison-Reed

When have you learned to stop resisting change?


“The season of mud begins with thunder and announces change; it is the season of transition. Transitions are times when the thick skin of habit that protected us surrenders to the possibilities of growth and renewal. The inner thawing renders us sensitive and vulnerable to the unpredictable, until we emerge comfortably into new ways of being. We aren’t sure who we are or where we will end up.” -Sarah York

When have you experienced the thick skin of habit surrendering to the possibility of growth?