Everything is Interesting

We are called sometimes to try to understand the myriad ways that people experience the world. In a recent reflection on neurodiversity, Quinn Gormley writes, “For me, my ADHD means beauty. This world around us is so unbelievably beautiful that it simply demands my attention. ADHD is only disabling—at a psychological level—because the world is too big to admire fully: everything is interesting.”

How is it that you experience the details of our world?


“If we are going to thrive as a vibrant pluralistic religious movement, the question of translation becomes critical. Because if we are going to use language that is evocative, language that leads us to depth, drawn from many traditions and sources, then we need to be mindful that each and every one who hears our words will be translating. All of us are hearing those words through our own life lenses, bringing our own meanings to the experience of being together.” -William Sinkford

How have you translated religious language to be more meaningful to you?

Signs of Life

“I believe we need to remind ourselves that diversity is a sign of life. When those who have been historically excluded and dehumanized move into community leadership, and the oppressed bring their full voice and experience into contexts where they have been silenced, this is an occasion for celebration….” -Rebecca Parker

How have you witnessed new life being brought to communities that embraced marginalized voices?

Palm Sunday

Today, our Christian beloved celebrate Palm Sunday.

“Palm Sunday is found: whenever we are serving a noble and unpopular cause with selfless devotion, holding to the ideals of truth and justice; whenever we are seeking to uplift the fallen, to comfort the brokenhearted, to strengthen and encourage the weak and hopeless; whenever we are working bravely and persistently in the face of abuse and criticism to establish more equitable relations in the world; whenever we are sacrificing our lives in behalf of what we believe to be the service of love for all humanity.”

-David O. Rankin, from Dancing in the Empty Spaces

Where have you found people doing the important work of liberation and justice?