
As people who affirm the interdependent web of existence of which we are all a part, we commit ourselves to restoring right relationship with our mother, the Earth.
As people who claim that our actions speak louder than our words and that through our actions we change the world around us, we commit ourselves to being leaders in the shift towards sustainability. -From a Ritual of Commitment to Sustainability by Michael Tino (CLF)

How might you help restore right relationship with the Earth?


In the Toi language of the Akan people of West Africa, sankofa expresses the concept of understanding the past so that we can move forward together. It asks us to understand the need to examine our past because our future is dependent on us learning how we came to be who we are.

What is something from your past you have examined and learned from?

You and Me

The interdependent web of existence is not just nature.
It is not just frogs in Central America or rain in South Asia.
The interdependent web of existence is you, and me;
It is everyone we know and everyone we don’t yet know, and everyone we will never know.
We pause in a moment of silence to feel those connections that tug on us. that pull at us,
The connections that restore us to life. -Michael Tino (CLF)

Pause a moment in silence and notice the connections that tug on you.