Embodying Interdependence

“We’re part of an interdependent web of existence; sometimes that interdependence is physical. In 2015, my dad almost died of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (medical for ‘your lungs are turning into scar tissue and we don’t know why’). In August, he told me what hymns he wanted at his funeral. We watched him slip away, getting weaker and weaker. But one night in December, a stranger died—and my family and several others on organ waiting lists got a call. The day after the Winter Solstice, my dad received a life-saving transplant.” -Elizabeth “EB” Bukey Saunter, from the reflection “The Body of Love”

How have you witnessed our interdependence being embodied and physical?

Compassion and Fear

“It’s so easy to get lost in our fears; to feel all alone. It’s true that there are some fears we—you, me, everyone—must face solely on our own. Yet compassion is a choice to not allow all to be lost. Compassion is affirmation that we live in a shared world—and are better for it.” -Karen G. Johnston, from the reflection “Be Not Afraid

How can compassion help us better understand interdependence?

Rehabilitation in Community

“The Flower of Life,” by Kavin, a CLF member incarcerated in Ohio. Artwork submitted with the reflection below.

“At some point in our life, we realize that to achieve our objectives…we must become a part of a community…. We then realize that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of the community, and the well-being of every member. Finally, we come to realize that the collective abilities of the community cannot only rehabilitate individual members, but in our collective efforts we can rehabilitate our community.” -Kavin, a CLF member incarcerated in Ohio

When have you experienced a rehabilitation through community connections?

Interdependence and Sin

“Sin occurs when we separate ourselves from the oneness of all creation. Since all is interconnected, our entire web of existence lies within the oneness of all…. We operate as a collective, and interdependence is a mutual belonging” -Charmone, an incarcerated member of CLF

How do you understand sin relative to the interdependence of all beings?