“We covenant to freely and compassionately share our…presence….” –from the proposed new language for Article 2 of the UUA By-Laws
Be truly present with another person today.
“We covenant to freely and compassionately share our…presence….” –from the proposed new language for Article 2 of the UUA By-Laws
Be truly present with another person today.
“We covenant to freely and compassionately share our faith….” –from the proposed new language for Article 2 of the UUA By-Laws
What does freely and compassionately sharing faith mean to you? How do we do this in ways that are authentic and open and also consensual?
“We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.” –from the proposed new language for Article 2 of the UUA By-Laws
What does “hope” mean to you?
“We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.” –from the proposed new language for Article 2 of the UUA By-Laws
How do you express gratitude in your life?
We are being asked to consider adopting a set of values at the center of our faith that include “generosity.” As we do so, we will need to be careful about the ways in which we reflect on this value in our lives.
How have you witnessed generosity being valued in a way that is not classist?