In Harmony

I have often thought how many musicians playing together highlights woven melodies and harmonies, creating a magical experience of interdependent voices. An ensemble of words can do the same. -Beth Murray (CLF)

When have you experienced multiple voices together creating a stronger message?

Fertile Ground

I still remember the little aha moment I had in 9th grade biology class during a lesson on ecosystems, when it struck me how much the interdependent web of all existence that we talked about at church was a reality of life around us, and not just a lofty spiritual idea. Then and now, the reality of interdependence and my own place in the web of all beings feels like the core of my worldview: a fertile ground of both belonging in and responsibility to this world, from which everything else grows. -Rose Gallogly (CLF)

How do you participate in the growth of the world around you?