Love Your Body

Photo by AllGo – An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

This is the time of year when many of us are trained to look at our bodies with judgment and criticism. Let us instead learn to celebrate the beautiful shapes and forms our bodies come in. Fat, thin, short, tall, disabled by societal barriers or not, whatever they are. Let us learn to love our bodies, which are as beautiful and as imperfect as we are.

How can you express love for your body today?

Spiritual Discipline of Love

We are asked to wonder how we would be different if we centered our lives on “the spiritual discipline of Love.” What would it mean for our actions and reactions if we practiced love as a discipline–trying to love, failing at love, and then using those failures to learn to love better?

How would your live be different if you practiced love as a discipline?

Immeasurable Love

“That Which Causes Our Souls to Take Flight, encourage us in these difficult days. Remind us that those beyond our circles, our borders, our walls are embraced by the same immeasurable love by which we are held. Help us demonstrate kindness in all that we do. And grant that we may, indeed, have as much sense as geese.” -from Honk if You Love, by Lindasusan Ulrich

What reminds you of the immeasurable love with which you are held?

Love is a Choice

“We are not automatic lovers of self, others, world, or God. Love does not just happen. We are not love machines, puppets on the strings of a deity called “love.” Love is a choice—not simply, or necessarily, a rational choice, but rather a willingness to be present to others without pretense or guile.” -Carter Heyward

Make the choice to love today.