Funny Stories

Every single time my family gathers, we tell stories about each other. Usually they are funny or silly. We like to heckle each other about things we did growing up, like the time I made biscuits for the first time. They were so hard my brothers used them as baseballs! I cried and cried that day. But now, I can laugh when someone mentions it because I learned from my mistakes and make the most fluffy biscuits you’ve ever had! These memories, when told over and over again become family lore that humbled us and reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously. -JeKaren Olaoya (CLF)

Tell us a funny story about your past that reminds you not to take yourself too seriously.


This month, we explore the theme of storytelling and the stories that shaped us. Each of us has stories that have helped us make sense of the world, develop our theology, and relate to others.

What is an important story that has shaped you?


It is possible to heal. It is possible to be whole once again. It is possible to atone for one’s sins. It is possible to reconcile with those we have wronged. As Unitarian Universalists, we hold out these possibilities as matters of theology and as challenges to us all.

Move towards healing and reconciliation with someone you’ve wronged today.


Inflicting trauma and abuse on another is surely a sin. And yet cycles of violence are perpetuated through generations. They can be disrupted, but they first have to be recognized, and then stopped.

Repeat to yourself today: There is nothing I can do that makes me deserving of pain from another.