
“For those who came before us, we offer gratitude and thanks.
May their memories be a blessing.
May we feel surrounded by their love.
As we go forth from this time and place,
let us be inspired by their courage, their wisdom, and their dreams.
Let us honor them by doing the work
of living boldly, loving mightily,
and creating heaven on earth.
Amen and blessed be.” -Leia Durland-Jones

How do you honor your ancestors?


Sometimes, thinking about our ancestors is a source of grief. Because we miss people no longer living, or because we feel a profound sense of separation from them. There are many ways to live with and express grief, and we can learn from each other as we do this.

How do you express your grief in healthy ways?


Different cultures have different ways of being in relationship with the ancestors. Sometimes, what is emphasized is an ongoing relationship. Sometimes, it’s memory.

What are your cultural traditions and teachings regarding ancestors?


“Some people are your relatives but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of those values.” -Ralph Ellison

What are the values you have created yourself out of? Where did they come from?


Photo of Joy Harjo from the Library of Congress

“My ancestors include Monahwee, who was one of the leaders in the Red Stick War, which was the largest Indian uprising in history, and Osceola, who refused to sign a treaty with the United States.” -Joy Harjo

How might your ancestors have participated in resistance against oppression?