Sense of Place

Places can hold our memories in special ways. Some of us have special places where we can feel our ancestors close–our physical or our spiritual ancestors. Sometimes that’s a place we shared with them, other times it is a place that reminds us of some characteristic of theirs.

Where do you go that you feel your ancestors close?


Our very far-back ancestors didn’t write their history, but they left us clues about what their lives may have entailed. People see these paintings and argue about what they mean, but they are amazing and beautiful whatever their interpretation. This beauty has survived for some 40,000 years.

Leave something beautiful and mysterious behind today.

Objects of Memory

An old car, a quilt handed down through the generations, a great-grandmother’s cedar chest, a steamer trunk that held belongings while crossing the Atlantic. Sometimes, objects in our midst hold memories that are worth saving.

What objects hold good memory for you?