
This month, we will be thinking about the spiritual and physical gifts given to us by our ancestors. We invoke the cloud of beneficial ancestors to surround us with their love.

Who are the beneficial ancestors whose love surrounds you today?

Fixing Things


We have been taught, again and again, that resources are endless and things are disposable. We have been taught by our violent, extractive, capitalist system to throw things away when they are broken. Instead, let us turn our attention to fixing things that are broken, to creating things of durability, and to learning how to repair. The lessons learned are more than just mechanical.

Fix something that is broken today.


What does it mean to forgive someone who has made amends, who has apologized, who has repented for the ways they have hurt you? Who do you practice forgiveness for? What are the boundaries and limits of forgiveness? How do we move ahead together in love?

What does forgiveness mean to you?


“When we have broader conversations about reparations or what it looks like to repair—particularly the harms that have been done to indigenous communities, black communities, other communities of color—I believe that love means thinking about the resources that enable life. So what does reparation look like at the intersection of communities of color and healthcare, or communities of color and education? What does it look like to have those kinds of conversations, beyond just conversations about money and land that is owed, but also about accessing resources that have been inequitably distributed for more than a century? All of us should have a hand in those conversations, and all of us have some responsibility to bring about justice in those contexts.” -Takiyah Nur Amin, from The Call of Our Faith

Have a real conversation about reparations today.