Finding Level

Levels are such interesting tools–I have always loved that a simple bubble inside a tube of liquid can help us keep surfaces from tilting and make things line up with each other. Sometimes, I wish that our lives came with a simple tool to let us know when we’ve tipped too far in one direction. In life, that requires practice and more complicated tools than a bubble. -Michael Tino (CLF)

What are the practices or tools that you use to keep your life level?


When my daughter is really upset, a drink of cold water helps her calm her body and deal with complicated emotions. The coldness is like pushing a “reset” button. For others, this physical reset involves a cup of tea, or a bite of something crunchy. -Michael Tino (CLF)

What helps you physically reset yourself?

Holes in the Fabric

Many holes in fabric can be repaired by people with sewing expertise. I am not one of those people. The repairs I make are obvious and usually a little crooked–they make plain that the fabric once had a hole. Sometimes, I think that repairs in the fabric of our lives are like that–there will always be the mark of the tear or worn spot even if we’ve restored structural integrity to the fabric. The repairs can be noticed, and even cherished, in time. -Michael Tino (CLF)

How do you notice repairs made to the fabric of your life?

Repairing Practice

Sometimes, amidst all that is swirling around us, our spiritual practices fall to the side of our lives. In those moments, we give ourselves the grace to come back to the things that have helped us connect with something larger than ourselves, without guilt or apology.

When have you had to come back to a spiritual practice?


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