Doing, Doing, Doing

My dad was practically addicted to home repair.  Squeaky door? Done — fixed!  Special table built into the wall by the phone? Built and installed!  I so admired this about my dad; and it also meant that he was in a constant state of doing, doing, doing. Having conversations with my dad were difficult, as there was always a project on his mind. -Beth Murray (CLF)

When has a repair fixed one set of problems and also created different obstacles?

Future Generations

There is an old wisdom story about an elderly person who plants fruit tree saplings. When asked why they are planting trees that they will never see bear fruit, they reply that they are doing it for the next generation, who will be able to reap the fruit and have enough to eat.

What are you planting for the next generation?


We all experience brokenness in one way or another. Sometimes, what is broken can be repaired. Sometimes that repair takes some expertise. And sometimes, what is broken needs to stay broken and we need to find a way around the brokenness.

How have you experienced brokenness?

Fix Your Face

There are moments, when I’m in a Zoom meeting especially, when I cannot help but express my feelings on my face. Sometimes those are not things I wanted other people to see. I have been told in private chats to “fix my face,” and yet, sometimes expressing those things is healthier than bottling them up. -Michael Tino (CLF)

Let your face do what it needs to today.