Fix Your Face

There are moments, when I’m in a Zoom meeting especially, when I cannot help but express my feelings on my face. Sometimes those are not things I wanted other people to see. I have been told in private chats to “fix my face,” and yet, sometimes expressing those things is healthier than bottling them up. -Michael Tino (CLF)

Let your face do what it needs to today.


Sometimes, what is needed to begin the repair of a relationship is a true apology. An apology that admits that one did wrong and that seeks to heal the harm done. An apology that makes it clear that one understands how to do better next time.

When have you experienced the power of an apology?


“Play is the exuberant expression of our being. It is at the heart of our creativity, our sexuality, and our most carefree moments of devotion. It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery. It feeds our joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning down to earth.”-Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Do something spontaneously today.