Mountains and Stones

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe majestic grandeur of a mountain face and the little stones that line the river bed are the same thing—the only distinction between them is time. The stones are the mountain’s way of singing with the river.

What do you belong to that is larger than yourself? How does your song add to the whole?


IceCreamConeSometimes joy is an ice cream cone on a warm day. But sometimes the greater joy is seeing the bliss on a friend’s face as they enjoy the cone you didn’t eat.

What will you enjoy today by giving it away?

A Clearer View

HangingByAThreadThere are people in the world who are willing to go to great, even dangerous, lengths to provide us all with a clearer view of the world—who strip away the grime of old assumptions and prejudices, who clarify important facts, who give us the opportunity to see a bit more of the world as it really is.

Who or what has given you a clearer picture of some important view on the world?

Growing Salad

GrowingSaladWhat a lovely thing it is to rove through an extensive garden, choosing what will go in your salad, knowing that there is enough to share with friends. What you have to choose from, what you have to share, is a product of what you choose to grow.

What will you cultivate today?