
“What humility does for one is it reminds us that there are people before me. I have already been paid for. And what I need to do is prepare myself so that I can pay for someone else who has yet to come but who may be here and needs me.” -Maya Angelou

How do you honor those who have come before you?


“I have learned to trust those who are witnesses rather than gurus, those who express their confusion as well as their knowledge, and those who share their suffering along with their joy.” -David O. Rankin

How do you bear faithful witness to something you don’t completely understand?


“There are two moments that matter. One is when you know that your one and only life is absolutely valuable and alive. The other is when you know your life, as presently lived, is entirely pointless and empty. You need both of them to keep you going in the right direction.”-Richard Rohr

How do you balance these realizations in your life?


“Perfectionism is such a thief. It robs us of experiences we could be having, of growth we could be experiencing, of the help we so desperately need right now. If anyone feels perfectly anything as they reach out in the midst of a desperate moment, they are telling you a lie and they are lying to themselves. The moment of asking for help is a tender moment.” -Anonymous, from This Day in Recovery

When have you struggled with perfectionism?