A Stretch

ThirstyGiraffes are beautifully adapted for eating leaves off the upper branches of trees. Which means that getting a drink of water can be a bit of an awkward stretch. We can’t all be equally good at everything.

What do you manage to do, even though it feels difficult and awkward?

At the Same Time

BeardedIrisA single stalk of iris flowers often contains a blossom in full glory, one tightly in bud, and one fading and shriveled and nearly gone. We think of life as full of good times and bad, days of joy and days of sorrow, but often as not those things happen at the same time, birth and death, pleasure and pain, all gathered on the same stalk.

What contrasting events are you holding in your heart?

The Straight and Narrow Way

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASometimes roads diverge and you have to choose, but sometimes the way forward is pretty clear cut. There is always another path, but much of the time it’s pretty obvious that you need to walk the narrow bridge, not swim the river. But although your path may be constrained you still get to choose how you will go. Even on the narrow path you can run or skip or walk, you can rush across or you can take a break and stare at the river as it flows by.

What choice do you make about how to move down your path today?