Tiny Diamonds

Spider'sWebThe universe is awash with tiny diamonds, formed in the explosion of dying stars. These infinitesimal diamonds rain down on us from the skies. On any given morning, thousands of spider webs sparkle as the morning sun hits the tiny threads covered in dew. The priceless is everywhere, but without velvet cushions to put these jewels on display, more often than not we miss them.

What priceless thing have you found today?

The World Beyond the Window

JustLookingIt’s so terribly frustrating to see that there is an amazing world out there that we cannot explore, simply because we lack the ability to open the door. Sometimes others have locked the door to keep us confined. Other times we just haven’t figured out how to open the door, or even that there is a door to go through.

What do you wish you could explore, if only you were able to?

Closer Than They Appear

HindsightObjects in the mirror may be closer than they appear. Or farther. In spite of the saying that hindsight is 20/20, our view of the past is rarely undistorted by our dreams or disappointments. It’s important to check behind yourself, but that view only makes sense in the context of what’s ahead.

How has your view of your past changed because of what you’ve seen down the road?