That can be good advice. Drive through. Don’t stop and obsess about things could have been different, should have been different. Drive through. Do what you need to do and move on.
What will you let go of today so that you can move forward?
“Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists.” –Michael Jackson
What act of creation makes you feel you have been touched by something sacred?
Why build a roof over a bridge? It turns out that the structure is not designed to protect the traveler (who is out in the weather for the rest of the journey anyway), but to protect the wooden bridge from rotting due to exposure to the elements. If you’re going to build, build to endure.
What have you created that you believe will endure when you are gone?
Camels have been described as an animal designed by committee—an odd assortment of mismatched and rather unattractive parts. But camels are brilliantly adapted to their desert environment, from the humps that store water to the long eyelashes that keep sand out of their eyes. They might be designed by committee, but that committee did good work.
What have you accomplished working with others that you could never have done alone?
Cinco de Mayo honors a not particularly significant victory of the Mexican army over the French in 1862. Which makes the holiday an important celebration of Mexican heritage because…that’s how people celebrate it. Sometimes it’s more important to celebrate than to have a really good reason.
What do you celebrate, even though it may be odd, obscure or unimportant?