
CountryPercussionSure, you could use a washboard to wash your clothes, but those of us with access to washing machines generally find them a whole lot easier to use. But nothing sounds quite like a washboard, when you play it with a guitar pick or drum brushes. How useful something is often depends on how you define its usefulness.

What do you like to use in some way other than what it was designed for?


BuddiesWe have places to go. Important places. And we’ll know we’ve gotten to these important places when we get there and there are important things to do.

Who goes exploring with you, whether by road trip or in conversations which take you to places you’ve never been before?



However precarious this rock may look, it has found its place in the world as wind and rain have eroded its base of support. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

What in your life feels balanced and at home, even as the storms rage around you?

May Day

InadvertantService“Tra-la, it’s May, the lusty month of May,” sings Guinevere in the musical Camelot. In much of the Northern Hemisphere May is a time of bees buzzing, of plants flinging pollen with wild abandon, of life burgeoning in all directions.

What fills you with lust for life?