
At my ordination, a friend and colleague gave me a peacock feather to remind me that there would be times in my life when I had to unfurl my beautiful self in all of its fullness. -Michael Tino (CLF)

When have you had an opportunity to unfurl the beauty and wholeness of who you are?


When I searched for examples of humility in nature, I was offered this picture of a “humble bee,” which I think was a typo, but it made me think. I’m not sure that bees know their importance to all of life–that the things they do going about their daily lives make possible the food that feeds billions. I wonder if many of us also don’t know how important the daily things we do are to others.-Michael Tino (CLF)

When have you learned that something you did was more important than you knew?


“May the mantle of humility give courage to admit when we are wrong.
May compassion’s loom weave in us
the discipline to forgive.
May patience help us bear in mind
that ours is not the only scale of time.” -from a prayer by Maureen Killoran

How can you exercise patience in order to cultivate humility today?


“The example of the humble is also before us.
Indeed, humility has seldom looked so wise.
So many people in positions of public trust and responsibility,
who otherwise would not attract our notice,
have gained authority and our confidence by unspectacularly acting with honor.
They persist in seeking truth, being accountable,
stepping up to their duties with courage, asking the right questions.” -from a prayer by Paul Beedle

Who do you understand to be an example of humble leadership?


Sometimes I make assumptions that are incorrect. Humility to me is when I take the time to pause. Stop. Listen. Then ask questions, without assuming I know the answer. -Beth Murray (CLF)

When has a humble moment in your life led you somewhere unexpected?