Bird Feeder

Sunflowers are at their most beautiful as they turn their great gold heads toward the sun. But after their petals have withered and their leaves dropped away is when they provide food for the birds, and the basis for a new generation of sunflowers.

What in your life has borne fruit after your hopes for it had faded away?

Can’t See You

In days of old, carriage horses used to wear blinders, eye coverings designed to keep them from spooking at things in their peripheral vision. In a world full of atrocities and dangers, it’s all too tempting to put on our own blinders, to refuse to see the realities of climate change or modern day slavery or factory farming or so many other horrors.

How do you choose to pay attention to the world in a way that keeps you responsible and connected, but without being totally overwhelmed?

Groundhog Day

Allegedly, if the groundhog sees his shadow today, he is scared back into his hole, and we will have six more weeks of winter. Apparently the groundhog could use some time with a Jungian analyst, learning to embrace, rather than be frightened of, those unclaimed parts of his personality that Jung called the Shadow.

What do you do when you come face to face with your Shadow?