
I get bristly around the topic of humility because all my life I’ve been told to humble myself by making myself smaller, being quiet, not making waves. I’ve spent many long years (and many therapist $$) to unlearn that type of false humility and learn honest humility. A humility which loves questions and embraces change.  A humility which knows where my skills lay and where/who I can turn to for wisdom. -Christina Rivera (CLF)

Who/where do you turn to for humility?


As I sit at the midpoint of my human life, in the sacred year of 40, amid many transitions, a spiritual truth is emerging: I’m not so important or unique, AND Life is infinitely miraculous and precious. As many have noted, I am made of stardust, and to that dust I shall return – and this is a beautiful thing. This humility is liberating, awe-inspiring, and has implications for the whole of humanity. -Steven Leigh Williams (CLF)

How do we hold the paradox of our existence with joy and reverence?


Today, we celebrate the end of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month with “Proud,” by Heather Smalls. Click the link and have yourself a dance party, beloved!

“I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I’m on my way, can’t stop me now
You can do the same, yeah.” -Heather Smalls

What have you done today to make you feel proud?



LGBTQIA+ Pride is an act of resistance, and has been since before the first brick was thrown at Stonewall. Claiming all of who we are as beautiful and worthy in a society that devalues us daily is worth being proud of. -Michael Tino (CLF)

What are the negative messages you need to resist today?