I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy.
–Rabindranath Tagore
Never Too Late
Bravery is a choice. It is a decision to enter into the fray no matter how illogical and crazy things are. Even as our friends, family and common sense recommend that we stay away.
In our life, we are surrounded by people, events, circumstances that offer continuous proof of how bad things are, including bad people who don’t seem worth struggling for.
We did not plan to live in such a crazed world. Very few of us have been prepared by life circumstances to deal with the levels of fear, aggression and insanity we now encounter daily.
When we were being trained to think, to plan, to lead, the world was portrayed as rational, predictable, logical.
But now? Ever-present insanity, illogic, injustice, illusion.
This is just the way it is and will continue to be.
We can’t restore sanity to the world, but we can still remain sane and available.
We can still aspire to be of service wherever need summons us. We can still focus our energy on working for good people and good causes.
It is never too late to be brave.
By Margaret J. Wheatley, TO READ MORE