Between the Cracks

Sometimes, in the rush and hurry of our lives, things fall between the cracks. Sometimes, they bloom there, in that transitional, stuck space.

What in your life has fallen between the cracks? How might it bloom?

Great Turning

“In this great turning we shall learn to lead in love.” -Karisha Longaker, MaMuse, “We Shall Be Known”

The Great Turning describes the necessary shift of human society from one that exploits and colonizes to one that is sustainable for all life on Earth, from a way of life based in violence to one based in community.

What does leading in love mean to you?


Our children literally march in the streets begging us for Abolition, in the form of gun control. Our scientists beg for Abolition, in the form of climate justice. Our Black and Indigenous peoples demand Abolition, in the form of reparations. And our Incarcerated siblings demand the Abolition of Slavery, in the form of Prison and Police resources transformed into community care resources. -Christina Rivera (CLF)

What are the struggles for abolition that are closest to your heart?

A Better World

Many transitions are necessary for us to build a better world together. Our economy must transition away from exploitation of people as capital. Our industry must transition away from reliance on fossil fuels and carbon dioxide production. Our society must transition away from rugged individualism and toward community care.

What are the transitions your community is making?