Solstice Stillness

Solstice is associated with stillness–when the sun reaches the extreme point of its cycle and seems to pause in the sky. But that pause is not real–it is just an indication that we have reached a place where it needs to begin going the other way. That pause is a transition–to shorter days at the summer solstice and to longer ones at winter.

Pause today before beginning something new.


Many Unitarian Universalist congregations celebrate the transition of youth into young adults this time of year, in a ceremony known as Bridging. Too often, though, we fail to meet people on the other side of the bridge. It is up to all of us to make transitions like this one celebrations of change within a constant community of love.

How can you help create a welcoming space for someone going through a life transition?


“It’s not a cis-man becoming a cis-woman. It’s a trans person just being who they want to be. This is how I’ve always felt, and this is who I’ve always been. But so much focus is put on the transition or the change because it’s so visible. But that’s not even what it is… That’s who that person’s been and who they are now.”-Teddy Geiger

When have you been able to be more of who you have always been?

Photo courtesy of the Gender Spectrum Collection


Ten years ago this week, I became a parent, a major transition in my life. I suddenly had incredible clarity about what my priorities in life were–because my child would always be first. -Michael Tino (CLF)

When has a transition led you to a moment of clarity?