Fleeting Moments

“I hope we will take one good look at the passingness of things, the precious fragility of everything. A single blade of grass, a much loved coffee mug, a fading photograph, a quick kiss; all speak of the wonder and transitoriness of life-and-death within the interdependent web. There is beauty and wonder in this existence. And as hard as it can be to face, the simple truth is this very moment is the only place we will find life and love and meaning.” -James Ishmael Ford

Appreciate fleeting things today.



“For all who left a relationship in order to save your heart, may your own heartbeat be your blessing. Its rhythm, its particular kinships, its unique rhythm. May you know your own heart as God’s blessing.
“For all who had to set boundaries in order to keep your mind intact, may your own mind be your blessing. Its integrity, its edginess, its willingness to wonder and to know. May you know your own mind as God’s blessing.”
-From “A Blessing for the Divorced or Separated,” by Meg Riley

When have your healthy boundaries led to transitions in your life?


Transitions are difficult for my autistic grandson. His mind, already on sensory overload, finds comfort in a predictable routine. I sometimes have to gently and lovingly convince him that he might enjoy the unexpected, even if it involves a different plan for the day. -Beth Murray (CLF)

How might you make an unpredictable transition easier for someone?


The transition of “immigrant” to “citizen” is seldom any one feeling. There are feelings of loss and grief so painful it takes your breath away. Feelings of security and pride in being able to cast a ballot. Feelings of anger at colonial borders which crossed you and not the other way around. In these ways this transition is like any other in our lives: complex, filled with differing and evolving emotions. -Christina Rivera (CLF) 

What complex transitions are you making space for in your life?