
As we celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month this June, let us recognize that the ability to live openly and fully in a society deeply steeped in heterosexism and transphobia requires navigating the transitions of coming out every day. For some people, these transitions are too dangerous to think about. For others, they are magical and liberating.

How have you experienced magical and liberating transitions in your life?

Threshold Moments

Every threshold a person crosses throughout their lifetime requires courage to at once let go of the familiar and also be open to facing the unknown that awaits on the other side.

What have you lost and gained during your significant threshold moments?


Did you ever see a marvelous magician whose illusions kept you wondering? How did they do that? Where did that card go? Have you ever enjoyed the feeling of just not knowing–of experiencing those illusions as magic?

What is it like for you not to know?