
I often wonder how other people think differently than I do. I am fascinated by different kinds of brains, different types of intelligence, and the different ways that people make sense of the world. -Michael Tino (CLF)

What is a unique way your brain works? What are connections you make that others do not always make?

Petty Expectations

“Remembering that the universe is so much larger than our ability to comprehend, let us…stop trying to reduce the incomprehensible to our own petty expectations, so that wonder—that sense of what is sacred—can find space to open up our minds and illumine our lives.” -Marjorie Newlin Leaming

When have you let go of a petty expectation and opened yourself to wonder?

Take Life Whole

“There is, finally, only one thing required of us: that is, to take life whole, the sunlight and shadows together; to live the life that is given us with courage and humor and truth.
We have such a little moment out of the vastness of time for all our wondering and loving. Therefore let there be no half-heartedness; rather, let the soul be ardent in its pain, in its yearning, in its praise.
Then shall peace enfold our days, and glory shall not fade from our lives.”
-Kendyl Gibbons

Live today without half-heartedness.


“God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.” –Dag Hammarskjold

What is the steady radiance of wonder illuminating for you today?