Jelly Beans

JellyBeans1-150x150In the world of Harry Potter, there are Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans – jelly beans in every flavor, from buttered rum to vomit. It’s hard to imagine why anyone would want to risk eating jelly beans when you never know if you’re going to get mocha or mucus, but isn’t life pretty much like that? Any day might be the day you meet your one true love, or the day you get hit by a car, and there is no choice but to reach into the bag and see what you get.

How do you prepare yourself for reaching into the bag of a new day?


IronWorkers-150x150These builders work at heights most of us would find terrifying, constructing the bones of an edifice that thousands of people will walk through and work in without the least concern. They understand that all you need to move around safely is a place to put your foot for the next step.

What girders form the basis for your stability? What do you stand on as you move through the world?

Big Pumpkin

BigPumpkin1-150x150Have you ever stretched out your back on a yoga ball—or a giant pumpkin? Sometimes stretching ourselves is uncomfortable and scary, and we resist trying something new or threatening. But sometimes the stretch is a relief, releasing us from habits that make us stiff and unyielding.

How will you stretch yourself today?

Jelly Beans

In the world of Harry Potter, there are Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans – jelly beans in every flavor, from buttered rum to vomit. It’s hard to imagine why anyone would want to risk eating jelly beans when you never know if you’re going to get mocha or mucus, but isn’t life pretty much like that? Any day might be the day you meet your one true love, or the day you get hit by a car, and there is no choice but to reach into the bag and see what you get.

How do you prepare yourself for reaching into the bag of a new day?


These builders work at heights most of us would find terrifying, constructing the bones of an edifice that thousands of people will walk through and work in without the least concern. They understand that all you need to move around safely is a place to put your foot for the next step.

What girders form the basis for your stability? What do you stand on as you move through the world?